The DDF® is available through REALTOR Link®.
To access the DDF® go to
The DDF® Dashboard Overview page displays. In the center of the page are icons for different tasks in the Data Distribution Facility (DDF®), as well as Technology Providers, Destinations, Training material, and Notifications. Each of these icons provides a short explanation of the task/feature and a link.
The main navigation is on the top right, with five links:
· Overview: This brings you to the DDF® Home/Overview page (shown above).
· Permissions: This brings you to the Permissions page, where you control where your listings will be displayed.
· Data Feed: This brings you to the Data Feeds page, where you control the details of your feed.
· Providers: This brings you to the Available Technology Providers page, where you will find a list of available Technology Providers.
· Destinations: This brings you to the Available Third Party Destinations page, where you will find a list of available Third Party Destinations.